Memorygrabber Screenshots
The images that you see on this
page are of pages contained within the 260 page Memorygrabber,
a fill-in-the-blank lifestory workbook. Some of the images may appear a tiny bit blurry. At least they do on screen. This is because the screen images were shrunk down some to fit on this page. The actual pages in Memorygrabber are crystal clear! Memorygrabber Cover Graphic

page is the very first page that you begin to fill out
This is page 1 of the Grade
School pages where you will begin work on remembering those
first six wonderful years of school

Siblings Data Entry Page:
Here you will fill in a siblings page for each brother and

List Building: This
is just one of many list building exercise pages! Each page containing four lists is followed by an overflow page where you can elaborate on any great memories that a particular list stir up

Rapid-Fire Questions:
One of several pages where you simply answer yes or no to each
question.... but more importantly, is there a story behind your answer?

Maternal Grandfather:
You will be including information and experiences about and
with all four of your grandparents. This particular page is
only the first page for your maternal grandfather. 
Dating My
Future Spouse: This page explores some of the
most wonderful memories of your lives...those shared during the dating
years with our future spouse. This is only one of several
pages on this topic!

There are a total of 264 pages in the Memorygrabber
workbook. Please note that some are intentionally left blank
to provide additional space to write, in greater detail, about events
in your life.
I know that you'll enjoy the whole
process of capturing, once and for all, the story of your life
or that of a parent or grandparent. ..that may need your assistance
(read:nudging) to do so! :)