There is much more than just YOU in YOUR life
story. Grandparents are "key players" in our lives.
Some of the greatest
memories of my life were with my grandparents. They taught me many
important life lessons and I owe them the world.
This webpage is all about grandparent stories. We all have them.
Use this page to tell the other readers of this website (there are about 700 per day as of Sept 2007) what you remember most about a special grandparent.
Include stories about times you shared together or just a cool story about their life.
Very few others have impacted your life more than your grandparents!
Share a Special Story or Memory about Grandma or Grandpa
What special memories do you have of your grandparents? We'd love to hear them.
Please use the form below to tell us why your grandma and/or grandpa were/are special to you.
It's fun and simple ... and a even just a short paragraph will do. Don't worry about being a great writer.