Memories of Dad and Cub Scouts on Fathers Day

by Mike

When I was younger, I was a member of the Cub Scouts. My dad was always one to help me and my brother as we grew up with all activities we did.

When my dad was younger, he was in the scouts too. One weekend, our pack went to an island for a camping trip. After we got off of the boat, we headed over to the campground site. We found a good spot to clear the brush away and start pitching our tent.

Once we finished the tent, we went for a walk in the woods. Among the other camping activities our pack participated in, my dad and I had a wonderful time bonding over the weekend. We went hiking on multiple occasions. We also went swimming in the lake.

The incident that stuck out for me that weekend occurred during the middle of the night. My dad woke up and had to go to the bathroom. Because it was dark out, my dad could not find our tent when he was returning.

I woke up when he unzipped the tent a few minutes before. I heard someone walking around, so I said, "Dad?" When my dad heard my voice, he was able to find our tent.

He was very relieved to make it back to the tent safe and sound. Moments like this proved that my dad and I have each other's back.

When push comes to shove, we are there for one another. This camping trip incident is just one of the many examples that my dad and I shared together with scouting.

Another example is once I joined the Boy Scouts, my dad was the merit badge counselor for three merit badges. He also was an adult leader for the troop. I went on to earn all three of the badges he taught with his help and great insight.

Every week we went to the meetings and he helped me learn many skills that are useful to me today. Scouting has helped my dad and I become closer, as we shared together many great memories.

He used his love for scouting when he was a boy to influence my brother and me to pursue goals in scouting. Today, my father, brother, and I are all Eagle Scouts, the highest ranking.

Together we have accomplished great feats. We have each other's back and we have grown closer throughout the experiences of scouting.

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Jun 15, 2011
Great stories about your dad
by: Michael Boyter


Loved the stories that you shared about you and your dad. Thank you for your submission.


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